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Introduction of a company

   Promotional Letter - Equipment Leasing
Dear [Salutation] ,
Your business experience has already shown you some of the advantages of leasing needed equipment as opposed to purchasing. Our leasing experience gives us a real edge in furnishing your firm some maximum advantages with a minimum of "red tape" and time delay.
We [realize I realise] the importance in properly structuring a Personalized Lease so that it may meet the specific needs and requirements of your company in the most beneficial way possible. Due to our size, we can also offer our customers the option of rewriting existing leases at certain points along the way, should it be warranted.
Please contact us if you are even considering the future acquisition of more income producing equipment and we will be most happy to speak with you either personally or by telephone, whichever you prefer. Call us today on [Telephone] .

      2) Promotional Letter - Advertising Art  
Dear [Salutation] ,
We have taken the liberty of sending the attached advertsising artwork for the [EventOrOccassion] for your consideration. The format and design can be used to promote this occasion as a direct mail piece or in-house handout.
The ads that we have illustrated were designed for [SpecifySizeAndMedia] . If your [Media] uses a different format, then you we can make the necessary adjustments.
We hope that you find this offering as exciting as we do, and will take it into consideration for the upcoming [EventOrOccassion]. You know that you can depend on our high quality of printing to assure your satisfaction with the finished product.
When you decide to place your order, please contact me at [Telephone] . If I can be of assistance to you in any additional way, please don't hesitate to call

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